What To Know About Crane-Assisted Tree Removal

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Tree removal is something you may not want to do, but if trees on your property are damaged, diseased, or in a less-than-ideal location, removal will be your best option. While you may take down a sapling or small tree yourself, most tree removal requires a professional. The larger a tree is, the harder it is to remove, and there are times when a crane may be needed. Here’s what to know crane assisted tree removal.…

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How To Limit The Mess When You Have A Tree Removed

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If you have a dead, diseased, or dangerous tree on your land, then having it removed is often the best option. If you have it removed, then you don’t have to worry about it falling on your house or landscape. You also don’t have to worry about broken branches and dead leaves becoming scattered all over your yard. But having your tree removed can also, in and of itself, be a messy process.…

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The Different Services Your Tree Company May Provide

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Trees can improve your property’s appeal and prevent soil erosion by slowing wind speed. Besides, trees provide shade and fruit. However, you must care for your trees to enjoy these benefits. While DIY tree practices may be effective, consider hiring a tree company to access various tree services. Here are the common services tree services may provide. Selection and Planting Proper tree selection is critical to achieving the desired tree benefits.…

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When Is Tree Removal An Emergency Situation?

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Usually when someone needs a tree removed, they put it on their “to do” list and plan to call a tree removal company at some time in the next few weeks. But there are times at which this slow approach is not a good idea. Sometimes, tree removal is more of an emergency — something you need to address within the next days days or even immediately. Here are some of the most common situations in which tree removal is an emergency.…

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Several Common Tree Pruning Myths

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Trimming is a crucial aspect of maintaining tree health and preventing hazards, and it is essential to understand the best tree-trimming practices. Homeowners who believe in some routine myths can have difficulty keeping their trees healthy and beautiful.  Myth: Trimming A Tree Increases Its Risk Of Developing Disease There is a common notion that trimming increases the risk of tree disease. While it is true that improper trimming can lead to tree diseases, it is not the trimming itself that causes these problems.…

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Mulch Fundamentals For Spring Landscaping

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With the spring warmup approaching, many homeowners are turning their thoughts to landscaping preparations and tree care. If you have started to think about how you’re going to prepare your lawn this spring, one of the things that might be on your mind is mulch. It is a beneficial addition to trees, shrubs, and garden beds, but only if you choose properly and apply it the right way. Here are some things you should understand about mulch application for your yard this year.…

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Tree Pruning: How Can Your Tree Benefit From Crown Reduction?

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Most people rarely think of how tall their trees might grow when planting them. In many cases, it is only after the tree reaches a certain height that they realize it might have overgrown and start looking for control measures. However, you can reduce your tree’s crown if it has grown wider and taller than it should or if it is threatening to encroach onto the neighboring property. Here are the top benefits of crown reduction, a type of tree pruning.…

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