3 Critical Signs You Need To Hire An Emergency Tree Service

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The trees in your residential landscape are fundamental to your home because they provide shade, prevent soil erosion, clean the air, prevent noise pollution, increase your property's value, and offer many other benefits. However, your trees must be able to withstand severe weather conditions and other problems to make them beneficial to your home. Unfortunately, the trees in your yard won't remain structurally sound or stable forever. At some point, they will start developing issues due to old age, pest invasion, weather damage, or other factors. As a homeowner, you should have the damaged trees in your landscape removed by a tree removal service as soon as possible because they pose a safety threat to your family and neighbors.

Here are three critical signs your home needs an emergency tree service:

A Tree Is Leaning Towards Your House

A leaning tree is a severe safety hazard that needs to be addressed by a professional as soon as possible. A tree may suddenly lean towards your house due to an illness or fungal infection. If you overlook a leaning tree, it may collapse and cause severe damage to your property and injuries to its occupants. Therefore, you should contact a certified tree removal service instantly when you notice a leaning tree in your yard to prevent a disaster from striking your home.

Your Tree's Roots Are Decaying

If one of your trees has decaying roots, you should have it removed as soon as possible before it causes damage to your home. The roots of a tree may get damaged due to pest invasion, old age, or fungal infection. Eventually, your tree will die because it won't get the necessary nutrients or vitamins. The dead tree may fall on your property and cause severe damage to your valuables. However, you can prevent this disaster by having your decaying tree removed by a certified tree service as soon as you notice this issue.

Your Trees Get Damaged by a Storm

Your trees may sustain severe damage when a heavy storm strikes your home. For instance, a storm may knock down several trees on your cars, walkaways, or roofing structure and cause costly problems. The fallen tree branches can damage your roof if ignored for a long time. It is advisable to hire a certified tree service to eliminate the damaged trees from your home in such a situation. The tree removal professionals will also remove the tree limbs from your roof to keep your family safe.

Dead, damaged, or weak trees are dangerous to your house, family members, cars, and neighbors. Therefore, you should have them removed by a tree service before it is too late. When looking for a tree removal service for your home, you shouldn't hesitate to choose a licensed and insured one for high-quality services.
